보장성보험종류 동양생명내가만드는보장보험 질병후유장해3%

by 아리수 다이렉트 보험몰



Comprehensive insurance covers the major diseases you need.integrated management and guaranteedWith insurance, you can protect yourself against various risks.It is a suitable product.In the process of treating injuries and diseasesIf the aftereffects remain, daily lifeIt can be difficult to do. At this timeIf you have a special contract for after-effects in your comprehensive insurance,Different according to the disability payment rateYou can get paid.If you have signed up for actual expenses, additional comprehensive insuranceDiagnosis costs, as well as aftereffects and surgery costsIt is important to have a strong guarantee.Each special contract of comprehensive insurance covers specific injuries andIf you set up coverage only for diseaseBecause the scope of compensation is not wide,There may be restrictions on what you can receive.It is better to choose the one with the widest possible range.Comprehensive insurance focuses on the three main diagnostic costsCovers against various diseases and injuries.Multiple specials can be configured with one insuranceYou can sign up for a reasonable price.It is a product that is easy to manage.When you purchase comprehensive insurance, you can receive a non-payment refund typeThose who choose to reduce the monthly paymentIts close to the choice you make for it. soFor those looking to the future, the renewal typeId recommend not choosing it.